Windermere & Ferry Nab

Update 9th November 2021

The season is closing down, although there have been a few sunny days with a good wind and the local dinghy club at Bowness was out racing on Sunday – in quite blustery conditions. I went out to winterise ‘Perfect Storm’ and noticed a few changes at Ferry Nab, so I checked with the Wardens.

  • The Public Toilets at Ferry Nab are now shut for the winter; the closest (assuming they are still open) should be those at the chain ferry departure place down the road or back in Bowness.
  • The toilets and showers for registered boat owners (code needed) are open but two of the cubicles containing showers are out of order due to leaks.
  • The wooden seating and the large stones next to the marina have been temporarily removed for dredging work.
      This dredging is good news as even my L23 grounded when trying to use the closest pontoon this summer.
      Given that the wardens are busy pulling boats out, I have been told that the seating is not expected to be put back before nearer the end of November.
      Ferry Nab seating

      Ferry Nab seating

  • Many boats are already stored on the car park reducing the available parking space for visitors and registered users.
  • The wardens were unaware when work was due to start on the proposed and long expected solar panel installation over the dinghy rack, but promised to try to find out when this would be likely to start.
  • The South Windermere Sailing Club has moved its operation to the YMCA on the opposite of the Lake.
      Apparently due to restrictions on access to the facilities they rent from the National Trust. There is or was at least one L20 based at the club.

By the way, if in the past you have used the layby on the road near Fell Foot, it now has double yellow lines and even if you are well off the road you will get a parking ticket. So there is nowhere close by to access this area without using the NT car park, despite Council signs suggesting there are.
Similarly many lake users who have been used to free parking between Bowness and Miller Ground have also been fined for doing what had become common practice before Covid.
There is free parking but be aware of restrictions. Parking has also been reduced on the west side of the lake during Covid, with bunding built up at the sides of the road as you go north from the ferry – to stop people parking on the grass.
I fully expect these restrictions to be permanent for the foreseeable future.

Finally we have had an invasion of rough looking Vikings on the Lake – they were quite friendly, however.

John Stockdale,
North Area Contact